Friday, March 6, 2009

A Letter to Israel

Dear Israeli Citizen:

Do not despair, you have supporters in this crazy world, and the Almighty God that is punishing all those supporting a Palestinian state. The Lord clearly states that He will never tolerate someone separating His land and His Holy City, yet that is what the world is trying to do.

To your future Prime Minister, I pray that he tells the American administration to, frankly put, kiss off. As an American citizen and supporter of Israel, I am sickened to see not only the destruction of my own country, but the division of yours. God granted the children of Abraham vast territory that the arab nations have occupied and essentially claimed squatters rights.

I take heart in Psalm 83, and in the knowing that this unrighteous bunch of thugs will soon be laid to waste by the IDF, guided by the hand of God.

As far as the state of the United States....we are reaping what we've sewn. We have a virtual tyrant in the White House, surrounded by cronies with one agenda....the socializing of the American dream, and domination of those who are weaker. When a country is unable to control their citizens via armament, they resort to economics. By driving the currency down and the unemployment up, they leave people in a position where they will accept things they never thought possible....just because it is better than what they have.

My question is, who is financing the Obama machine? Could one person raise so much money through legitimate contributions? At no time in American history has a virtual nobody risen so fast with such clout. It is hard to imagine that private American donors to his cause could raise the kind of money, or orchestrate his climb, necessary to pull off what is happening within our shores. Hundreds of thousands of dollars spent to keep his past records sealed, the psychological teachings to our young people (sponsored and funded vastly by the muslim world), and the lies of "I will give you a voice", and the use of the word "transparency" are all somehow tied to a grandeur scheme of unimagineable proportions.

The United States has NO RIGHT whatsoever in dictating ANY policy to the Israeli people. Period. Although Israel relies heavily on U.S. funding, I believe that we are witnessing a "change" that will see your arab muslim enemies become, sadly, allies of the west. It is unfathomable that the United States government would fund a movement such as Fatah, when the word alone was the benchmark for spreading islam. Who in their right mind would give ANYTHING to a group that means invasion, occupation, and conquest!

There is a reason why, here in America, gun sales have been record setting, and ammunition is virtually impossible to find. While there are alot of hunters.....there aren't that many. Our 2nd ammendment rights entitle us to defend ourselves and our country against a tyrannical government....and that my friends is what we now have. The Russians, Chinese, Iranians and Saudis know the truth of what is happening here....and I'm sure they are laughing to themselves and anxiously awaiting the end result.

Those of us conservative, religious, and supportive Americans will ALWAYS stand behind Israel, and do our best, whatever that may be, to ensure the safety and prosperity of the Holy Land. May God bless and keep you all through the events about to unfold in our world.


Patrick Gunnz

Semper Fidelis et Vigilans

Gun Control...part 1.

The Following is from a friend....

People who are armed are generally at a higher level of preparedness and ability to meet violence. They are also very likely to be able to meet all sorts of adversity. The kind of person who can work without a net, or at least make more self-reliant choices, is the kind of person likely to own a gun for the very same reason. This is not aggression or belligerence, but a simple desire to be independent from the intrusions of others who promise to know better than you would, and who consistently back their intrusion with force.Paul Harvey, pioneer broadcaster of conservative news and comment in his content of patriotic topics and observations of marriage success models, passed away this weekend at the age of ninety. As consistent as such patriots tend to be, Paul Harvey was a supporter of the Armed Citizen, naturally. I have listened to him since 1968.In remarks made in 2000, Harvey noted how gun control was merely one step in the takeover of whole peoples around the world, with deaths numbering around 56 million in the last century alone. Totalitarian regimes begin as harmless and with good intentions, but they eventually get around to murder in the name of the state. From firing squads to the pronouncements of treason of whole families of innocents, to make the example in intimidation, people are murdered. Much of the news coming out of these countries is portrayed as civil war we in America might perceive as a simple dispute, but it is actually one-sided marauding and murder, long after the populace had been entirely disarmed. Disarmed for peace ostensibly, the murders continued and continued. It was this observation that Harvey made. There are no exceptions.In his loyal warnings and remarks, Harvey described several case histories of nations who were disarmed before terror reigned. In case after case, nation after nation, as in the case of Nazi Germany and in Cambodia and elsewhere, millions of "educated" people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. The reason people are even ‘rounded up’ at all is because being armed brings not only the power of the gun in independence, but the power of realization, the realization that one does not need as much from a government as the government would like to ‘give’. This kind of critical thinking is a threat to any government who wishes to rule over people more than serve the people, so they are ‘rounded up’ and exterminated.The enemy within the armed citizen is not only the gun, it is the critical thinking that generally impels one to conclude why he has a gun. The independence of thought is an enemy of the state, and the means of arresting that thought is to disarm the citizen of both weapons and knowledge.Nothing teaches truth and understanding better than experience, and many emigres have been trying to tell us of precisely the experience of gun control. The next best thing is the case-study method. Thanks to Paul Harvey and his service in what he chose to broadcast in independence...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot??!!

I apologize in advance for what I'm about to say, and as a Christian man this is completely out of character....but.....this is driving me crazy.

To the United Nations....- Get the hell out of our country, take your piece of shit building back to the socialist continent you originated from. Belgium would love to have you. Stop trying to dictate policies to the American people, because we DON'T WANT THEM!

To the vast majority of our current congress..... Grow some freakin' stones and stand up for the American people you work for!!! We are not socialists, we are capitalists. Everyone has the right to attempt to succeed and fail. It is NOT your place to mandate who gets what. YOU WORK FOR US you arrogant hypocrites.

To the homosexuals.....You are an abomination in the eyes of God and one of the major reasons we are being punished as a nation. You have NO right to get have NO right to a civil have NO right to adopt innocent children. Attention fudge packers and carpet munchers...SHUT YOUR PIE HOLES and crawl back in the closet! Your immorality poisons our youth and society.

To the muslims in Minnesota....This is America, so take off your head scarfs and veils smile pretty and get your damn drivers license picture taken. If you can't abide by our rules then get bent and walk everywhere! This is our country and our rules....FOLLOW THEM!!!

To the muslims in the United States....if you choose to abide by our standard of living and fit in, then we are happy to have you, however, if you feel the need for special treatment....and wish to turn this country into the middle east....then you can all screw off also! There are planes and boats going to Saudi Arabia every day....GET THE HELL ON ONE!

To the illegal aliens...GET OUT!!! Sorry your countries suck, but you have no desire to fit into society and learn our customs or language, and we have no desire to see 50 of you in a house next door. We have no desire to bury our loved ones because you drive without licenses and can't read a road sign. We have no desire to support you in our prison system because you committed violent felonies. We have no desire to cater to you at all. YOU ARE NOT WANTED HERE!

THIS IS AMERICA!!! We were founded on religious Christian principles that are being stripped away by bitchy, winey minorities who feel they are owed something. People are people, we are all pink under the skin with the same hearts, lungs, and red blood. The differences are between the ears. WE WILL NOT be dictated to by the communists, fascists, socialists, muslims, queers, tree huggers, and illegal immigrants. This used to be a bountiful, righteous country where justice prevailed and the weak were, we are a bunch of pussies who are afraid of offending some group that means squat.

Who tells the truth? Not our leaders. Not our media. Not our school systems. Not the United Nations or the International community. If other countries don't like what we stand for or what we believe in, then we will keep our money and our military and you can all become lawless failed states.

Why is our government pushing the fairness doctrine? Because the only people speaking what Americans want to hear are Rush, Sean, Glenn, Michael and the conservative talk circuit. Why? because its the truth government doesn't want you to hear. Liberals have the same right to dominate the airwaves with their psycho babble crap....yet they FAIL! No one wants to hear it!
Keep plugging away NBC (National Bureau of Communists) CNN (Communist News Network) CBS (Commie Bull Shitters) and ABC (Association of Biased Commentary).

WAKE UP AMERICA!!! Read our news from a foreign press perspective...other countries are in shock at what is going on here. We are becoming everything our ancestors fought against! We are blowing past socialism and straight into a FASCIST society where we are told what wealth we are allowed to share.

Heil Commrade B.H. Mussolini.

Who is funding this guy, that his machine demonizes and threatens everyone who speaks against him and his policies? Lets continue to shove through unread and unstudied policies on the spearpoint of fear....lets continue to do more damage, than any other President has done in two terms, in 2 months....Lets continue to threaten and destroy the American dream. Why has this man spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep his records sealed??? What is there to hide? When the truth comes out, the damage will already be done because Americans don't know how to stand up to the establishment.


The United States of America, in its essence, has never let an American citizen down. Will you let her down when she needs you the most? Don't spread the wealth....spread the passion...spread the dreams...spread the truth...and spread your eagle wings.

Sincerely and mad as hell,

Patrick Gunnz

Semper Fidelis et Vigilans

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My Government Reformation Project

New Ideas for Government Reform...

1. ONE PARTY CONGRESS- AMERICAN No more two party systems. This is an outdated concept that does not leave the most qualified people running the government, and nothing is ever accomplished. One party. If you want to run.... apply, campaign, and good luck.

2. STREAMLINING CONGRESS No more redundant committees. One committee is enough to cover a certain issue before presentation to congress. Multiple oversight leads to favors, and important aspects being overlooked. Some issues need to be passed in a hurry, and we are not here to dawdle, but do a job.

3. NEW PAY GRADE FOR CONGRESS May not be fair, but it will get results. Each congressman will have a salary based on the average salary of the district represented. If you are fortunate enough to represent a wealthy district...congratulations. If you represent a poorer district....well....who will work harder for their district?

4. NO LAWYERS, DOCTORS, or SECOND GENERATION POLITICIANS All congress is today are wealthy Americans who are out of touch with blue collar America. If you have one of the above jobs, you don't need to be a congressman.

5. NO FREE RIDES Sorry, no more handouts to third world nations....we can not stagnate our economy while waiting for others to "catch up". If your company leaves the country, you will be taxed heavily to bring your goods back in. Welfare and social security will be used as intended, not by those who manipulate the system.

6. BORDER SECURITY If you do not belong here, better leave now. Secure borders is the number one priority. There will be profiling! If you are suspected of being here illegally, you will be asked for Identification, detained, and removed if necessary, or jailed if warranted. The military will patrol the border with orders to shoot first at anyone not using a proper crossing.

7. JUSTICE MUST BE SERVED No more interpretting the Constitution as each judge sees fit. It says what it says. Enforce it.

8. SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE We won't tell you how or who to worship, but if you speak, preach, encourage hatred to your country, you will be searched and shut down. If you are here as a foreigner with no intent of citizenship, you will be deported immediately.

9. MARRIAGE ACT Man and woman. no gay unions, no gay marriage, no gay adoptions. A properly functioning family unit has a male and female. i.e. If you want electricity you don't plug a female end into a socket do you? Anything that works has a male and female end to it.

10. 2ND AMMENDMENT RIGHTS Criminals get guns, and commit crimes. Honest citizens have a right to protect and defend themselves, their property, and the innocent. Lower taxes on firearms and ammo.

11. NO INCOME TAX Government generated income will come from a higher sales tax. The more money on a paycheck, the more available to spend, the more tax income is generated, the more goods are produced, the more jobs are needed. Not a difficult concept. Have money, stimulate economy.

12. NATIONAL SERVICE MANDATORY Doesn't have to be military service, but for 2 years, 18 year olds will do something to benefit their country instead of taking from it.

13. POLITICAL CORRECTNESS IS BANNED If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it isn't a horse. Suck it up, accept things as they are, and be better Americans.

14. FREE TO LEAVE The greatest thing about this country is you don't have to stay here. If things are bad enough you need to protest and demand special treatment, then you should leave. We will help you.

Any nation whose motto is "one nation under God", should live under the fear, love, and respect of the God we are living under.

Semper Fidelis et Vigilans

Patrick Gunnz

How many wars are we in?

I suppose everyone will say one. The war on terror. However, that is a misunderstanding in itself. Terror is a method, not an enemy. For some reason politicians refuse to say who we are at war with. This inability to admit who our enemies are helps explain the behind the scenes wars that no one wants to admit.

If World War 3 was the cold war, then we are in World War 4 today. Christianity and Judaism vs. Atheism and Islam. More on this in a later post. For now lets look behind the scenes. What other wars are we in? An economic war with China. We will get to that later also. A morality war within our own country? Bingo. Left v. right. Republicans v. democrats. Religion, political correctness, values, and corruptness at the highest levels.

The Amerian Civil War had dividing lines...the north and the south. There are no lines to this war. Neighbor against neighbor. Idealogical struggles are the toughest to win and the saddest to fight, as they pit people against each other who have been close for years yet differ politicallyto the point of destruction. Case in point. Barry Soetoro. I have witnessed friendships broken over the fact that people refuse to see this imposter for who he is. The damage he is doing is irreparable, and his cohorts in Congress and the media refuse to follow the rules of the constitution or moral society.

Walk into any sporting goods store and look for ammuntion. Very little sits on the shelves, all out of fear that our newest government will try to take away our 2nd amendment rights. I've seen other bloggers and internet sights, talked to fellow gun owners, and I must say...any politician who thinks Americans will give up their rights are completely delusional.

We have an unaddressed situation on our southern border that sees drugs and terrorists smuggled into our country. Intimidation and murder by the cartels, and we arrest the Border Patrol Agents. We have a country there that is on the verge of collapse and we can't even secure our own citizens living in the southern states. When the government refuses to defend you, it becomes essential to defend your self and your famly.

Can anyone explain why Mr. Soetoro will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep his birth certificate sealed? Go get a drivers license or passport without one. Obviously President is an exception to the rule. People will continue to demand proof until there is proof, and until that day, we have an imposter in the White House spending trillions of our dollars.

Here is what will happen in the near future. A large portion of this "stimulus" is dedicated in infrastructure. What they don't tell you is that a large portion of this is going to go towards the building of the NAFTA superhighway system. The TransTexas Corridor is only the first stage. While some will call it all conspiracy theory, the truth is that the goals of our politicians exceed party lines and separate into the elite and the average American. In order for the full plans of NAFTA and the WTO to work then people must be disenfranchised.

The only weapon the government has to control 300 million people is economics. By flooding the market with more and more "stimulus" money, the value of a dollar plummets. This is showing itself on Wall Street. As the economy plunges towards bankruptcy, layoffs are inevitable and unemployment will reach staggering numbers. As the disenfranchised become more vocal, the government will offer a solution and that is in the form of a new currency....since the old one has become obsolete. When people have nothing....they will accept anything that constitutes a better life, whether it goes against their beliefs or not.

One look at this current cabinet shows ill suited unqualified and inept people in posts of power. In the near future, we will take a closer look at the people stealing our country. Until then....

Semper Fidelis et Vigilans

Patrick Gunnz

Monday, March 2, 2009

So Many Topics, So Little Time

Where does one begin when the world is falling apart? Who to blame first? Lets start with why is this happening to America now? First of all, if you are a fan of liberal policies, you will not like it here. If you are an atheist or a muslim, you will not like it here. If you are a fan of socialism, fascism, or communism, you will not like it here. If you are a moral human being, then lets fight this good fight together to save our nation from internal destruction.

Why is this happening to America? Simply put, we have lost our moral compass and faith in God. John Adams wrote to his wife Abigail that our constitution was for a moral and religious people, and that any other would find it useless (paraphrased). We have become a silent majority of moral Americans, dominated through the media by our liberal, immoral brothers and activists. Gay rights? Pro choice? Soft core TV? And we expect Gods Blessing?

The Abrahamic Covenant states that God "will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you". We continue to stick our nose into the political decisions of the land of Israel favoring "rights" to the muslim communities over those of the true heirs to the land...the Jewish people. Why would God favor that? He doesn't. To the Israeli population, there are many of us in the states that support your need and right to survive in your homeland. There will NEVER be peace in the region as long as attempts are made for a two state solution. The Islamic community does not want two states....they want it all. When the U.S. leadership realizes this we will take one step forward in our own healing.

When the U.S. leadership realizes that marriage and a truly secure functioning family unit consists of hetero relationships....we will take another step forward. When they realize that abortion is murder from the time of conception, we will take another step forward. Then when the silent majority finally speaks up, and defends what is right, we will be successful again. Sadly, this will never happen before it is too late. While trying to stress opinions of many people to a congressman, the response I got back was along the lines of "we have different opinions". If everyone who dissented got back a similiar response, then what good does it do to even try? Back the tea parties and continue to speak up. Protect the constitution and the moral values our country was founded on.

Coming blogs shall feature:

1. How many wars are we in now?

2. What is the next civil war?

3. The truth in NAFTA

4. Fourth Generation Warfare

5. The dominance of China over America

6. Islamic propaganda

7. How to achieve peace in the Middle East

8. and many more....