Tuesday, March 3, 2009

How many wars are we in?

I suppose everyone will say one. The war on terror. However, that is a misunderstanding in itself. Terror is a method, not an enemy. For some reason politicians refuse to say who we are at war with. This inability to admit who our enemies are helps explain the behind the scenes wars that no one wants to admit.

If World War 3 was the cold war, then we are in World War 4 today. Christianity and Judaism vs. Atheism and Islam. More on this in a later post. For now lets look behind the scenes. What other wars are we in? An economic war with China. We will get to that later also. A morality war within our own country? Bingo. Left v. right. Republicans v. democrats. Religion, political correctness, values, and corruptness at the highest levels.

The Amerian Civil War had dividing lines...the north and the south. There are no lines to this war. Neighbor against neighbor. Idealogical struggles are the toughest to win and the saddest to fight, as they pit people against each other who have been close for years yet differ politicallyto the point of destruction. Case in point. Barry Soetoro. I have witnessed friendships broken over the fact that people refuse to see this imposter for who he is. The damage he is doing is irreparable, and his cohorts in Congress and the media refuse to follow the rules of the constitution or moral society.

Walk into any sporting goods store and look for ammuntion. Very little sits on the shelves, all out of fear that our newest government will try to take away our 2nd amendment rights. I've seen other bloggers and internet sights, talked to fellow gun owners, and I must say...any politician who thinks Americans will give up their rights are completely delusional.

We have an unaddressed situation on our southern border that sees drugs and terrorists smuggled into our country. Intimidation and murder by the cartels, and we arrest the Border Patrol Agents. We have a country there that is on the verge of collapse and we can't even secure our own citizens living in the southern states. When the government refuses to defend you, it becomes essential to defend your self and your famly.

Can anyone explain why Mr. Soetoro will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep his birth certificate sealed? Go get a drivers license or passport without one. Obviously President is an exception to the rule. People will continue to demand proof until there is proof, and until that day, we have an imposter in the White House spending trillions of our dollars.

Here is what will happen in the near future. A large portion of this "stimulus" is dedicated in infrastructure. What they don't tell you is that a large portion of this is going to go towards the building of the NAFTA superhighway system. The TransTexas Corridor is only the first stage. While some will call it all conspiracy theory, the truth is that the goals of our politicians exceed party lines and separate into the elite and the average American. In order for the full plans of NAFTA and the WTO to work then people must be disenfranchised.

The only weapon the government has to control 300 million people is economics. By flooding the market with more and more "stimulus" money, the value of a dollar plummets. This is showing itself on Wall Street. As the economy plunges towards bankruptcy, layoffs are inevitable and unemployment will reach staggering numbers. As the disenfranchised become more vocal, the government will offer a solution and that is in the form of a new currency....since the old one has become obsolete. When people have nothing....they will accept anything that constitutes a better life, whether it goes against their beliefs or not.

One look at this current cabinet shows ill suited unqualified and inept people in posts of power. In the near future, we will take a closer look at the people stealing our country. Until then....

Semper Fidelis et Vigilans

Patrick Gunnz

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