Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My Government Reformation Project

New Ideas for Government Reform...

1. ONE PARTY CONGRESS- AMERICAN No more two party systems. This is an outdated concept that does not leave the most qualified people running the government, and nothing is ever accomplished. One party. If you want to run.... apply, campaign, and good luck.

2. STREAMLINING CONGRESS No more redundant committees. One committee is enough to cover a certain issue before presentation to congress. Multiple oversight leads to favors, and important aspects being overlooked. Some issues need to be passed in a hurry, and we are not here to dawdle, but do a job.

3. NEW PAY GRADE FOR CONGRESS May not be fair, but it will get results. Each congressman will have a salary based on the average salary of the district represented. If you are fortunate enough to represent a wealthy district...congratulations. If you represent a poorer district....well....who will work harder for their district?

4. NO LAWYERS, DOCTORS, or SECOND GENERATION POLITICIANS All congress is today are wealthy Americans who are out of touch with blue collar America. If you have one of the above jobs, you don't need to be a congressman.

5. NO FREE RIDES Sorry, no more handouts to third world nations....we can not stagnate our economy while waiting for others to "catch up". If your company leaves the country, you will be taxed heavily to bring your goods back in. Welfare and social security will be used as intended, not by those who manipulate the system.

6. BORDER SECURITY If you do not belong here, better leave now. Secure borders is the number one priority. There will be profiling! If you are suspected of being here illegally, you will be asked for Identification, detained, and removed if necessary, or jailed if warranted. The military will patrol the border with orders to shoot first at anyone not using a proper crossing.

7. JUSTICE MUST BE SERVED No more interpretting the Constitution as each judge sees fit. It says what it says. Enforce it.

8. SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE We won't tell you how or who to worship, but if you speak, preach, encourage hatred to your country, you will be searched and shut down. If you are here as a foreigner with no intent of citizenship, you will be deported immediately.

9. MARRIAGE ACT Man and woman. no gay unions, no gay marriage, no gay adoptions. A properly functioning family unit has a male and female. i.e. If you want electricity you don't plug a female end into a socket do you? Anything that works has a male and female end to it.

10. 2ND AMMENDMENT RIGHTS Criminals get guns, and commit crimes. Honest citizens have a right to protect and defend themselves, their property, and the innocent. Lower taxes on firearms and ammo.

11. NO INCOME TAX Government generated income will come from a higher sales tax. The more money on a paycheck, the more available to spend, the more tax income is generated, the more goods are produced, the more jobs are needed. Not a difficult concept. Have money, stimulate economy.

12. NATIONAL SERVICE MANDATORY Doesn't have to be military service, but for 2 years, 18 year olds will do something to benefit their country instead of taking from it.

13. POLITICAL CORRECTNESS IS BANNED If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it isn't a horse. Suck it up, accept things as they are, and be better Americans.

14. FREE TO LEAVE The greatest thing about this country is you don't have to stay here. If things are bad enough you need to protest and demand special treatment, then you should leave. We will help you.

Any nation whose motto is "one nation under God", should live under the fear, love, and respect of the God we are living under.

Semper Fidelis et Vigilans

Patrick Gunnz

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