Friday, March 6, 2009

Gun Control...part 1.

The Following is from a friend....

People who are armed are generally at a higher level of preparedness and ability to meet violence. They are also very likely to be able to meet all sorts of adversity. The kind of person who can work without a net, or at least make more self-reliant choices, is the kind of person likely to own a gun for the very same reason. This is not aggression or belligerence, but a simple desire to be independent from the intrusions of others who promise to know better than you would, and who consistently back their intrusion with force.Paul Harvey, pioneer broadcaster of conservative news and comment in his content of patriotic topics and observations of marriage success models, passed away this weekend at the age of ninety. As consistent as such patriots tend to be, Paul Harvey was a supporter of the Armed Citizen, naturally. I have listened to him since 1968.In remarks made in 2000, Harvey noted how gun control was merely one step in the takeover of whole peoples around the world, with deaths numbering around 56 million in the last century alone. Totalitarian regimes begin as harmless and with good intentions, but they eventually get around to murder in the name of the state. From firing squads to the pronouncements of treason of whole families of innocents, to make the example in intimidation, people are murdered. Much of the news coming out of these countries is portrayed as civil war we in America might perceive as a simple dispute, but it is actually one-sided marauding and murder, long after the populace had been entirely disarmed. Disarmed for peace ostensibly, the murders continued and continued. It was this observation that Harvey made. There are no exceptions.In his loyal warnings and remarks, Harvey described several case histories of nations who were disarmed before terror reigned. In case after case, nation after nation, as in the case of Nazi Germany and in Cambodia and elsewhere, millions of "educated" people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. The reason people are even ‘rounded up’ at all is because being armed brings not only the power of the gun in independence, but the power of realization, the realization that one does not need as much from a government as the government would like to ‘give’. This kind of critical thinking is a threat to any government who wishes to rule over people more than serve the people, so they are ‘rounded up’ and exterminated.The enemy within the armed citizen is not only the gun, it is the critical thinking that generally impels one to conclude why he has a gun. The independence of thought is an enemy of the state, and the means of arresting that thought is to disarm the citizen of both weapons and knowledge.Nothing teaches truth and understanding better than experience, and many emigres have been trying to tell us of precisely the experience of gun control. The next best thing is the case-study method. Thanks to Paul Harvey and his service in what he chose to broadcast in independence...

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