Friday, March 6, 2009

A Letter to Israel

Dear Israeli Citizen:

Do not despair, you have supporters in this crazy world, and the Almighty God that is punishing all those supporting a Palestinian state. The Lord clearly states that He will never tolerate someone separating His land and His Holy City, yet that is what the world is trying to do.

To your future Prime Minister, I pray that he tells the American administration to, frankly put, kiss off. As an American citizen and supporter of Israel, I am sickened to see not only the destruction of my own country, but the division of yours. God granted the children of Abraham vast territory that the arab nations have occupied and essentially claimed squatters rights.

I take heart in Psalm 83, and in the knowing that this unrighteous bunch of thugs will soon be laid to waste by the IDF, guided by the hand of God.

As far as the state of the United States....we are reaping what we've sewn. We have a virtual tyrant in the White House, surrounded by cronies with one agenda....the socializing of the American dream, and domination of those who are weaker. When a country is unable to control their citizens via armament, they resort to economics. By driving the currency down and the unemployment up, they leave people in a position where they will accept things they never thought possible....just because it is better than what they have.

My question is, who is financing the Obama machine? Could one person raise so much money through legitimate contributions? At no time in American history has a virtual nobody risen so fast with such clout. It is hard to imagine that private American donors to his cause could raise the kind of money, or orchestrate his climb, necessary to pull off what is happening within our shores. Hundreds of thousands of dollars spent to keep his past records sealed, the psychological teachings to our young people (sponsored and funded vastly by the muslim world), and the lies of "I will give you a voice", and the use of the word "transparency" are all somehow tied to a grandeur scheme of unimagineable proportions.

The United States has NO RIGHT whatsoever in dictating ANY policy to the Israeli people. Period. Although Israel relies heavily on U.S. funding, I believe that we are witnessing a "change" that will see your arab muslim enemies become, sadly, allies of the west. It is unfathomable that the United States government would fund a movement such as Fatah, when the word alone was the benchmark for spreading islam. Who in their right mind would give ANYTHING to a group that means invasion, occupation, and conquest!

There is a reason why, here in America, gun sales have been record setting, and ammunition is virtually impossible to find. While there are alot of hunters.....there aren't that many. Our 2nd ammendment rights entitle us to defend ourselves and our country against a tyrannical government....and that my friends is what we now have. The Russians, Chinese, Iranians and Saudis know the truth of what is happening here....and I'm sure they are laughing to themselves and anxiously awaiting the end result.

Those of us conservative, religious, and supportive Americans will ALWAYS stand behind Israel, and do our best, whatever that may be, to ensure the safety and prosperity of the Holy Land. May God bless and keep you all through the events about to unfold in our world.


Patrick Gunnz

Semper Fidelis et Vigilans

1 comment:

  1. Very well written and I couldn't have said this better myself! Send this to Bibi. Send it to your news paper as a letter to the editor. :-)
    All the best,
