Thursday, March 5, 2009

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot??!!

I apologize in advance for what I'm about to say, and as a Christian man this is completely out of character....but.....this is driving me crazy.

To the United Nations....- Get the hell out of our country, take your piece of shit building back to the socialist continent you originated from. Belgium would love to have you. Stop trying to dictate policies to the American people, because we DON'T WANT THEM!

To the vast majority of our current congress..... Grow some freakin' stones and stand up for the American people you work for!!! We are not socialists, we are capitalists. Everyone has the right to attempt to succeed and fail. It is NOT your place to mandate who gets what. YOU WORK FOR US you arrogant hypocrites.

To the homosexuals.....You are an abomination in the eyes of God and one of the major reasons we are being punished as a nation. You have NO right to get have NO right to a civil have NO right to adopt innocent children. Attention fudge packers and carpet munchers...SHUT YOUR PIE HOLES and crawl back in the closet! Your immorality poisons our youth and society.

To the muslims in Minnesota....This is America, so take off your head scarfs and veils smile pretty and get your damn drivers license picture taken. If you can't abide by our rules then get bent and walk everywhere! This is our country and our rules....FOLLOW THEM!!!

To the muslims in the United States....if you choose to abide by our standard of living and fit in, then we are happy to have you, however, if you feel the need for special treatment....and wish to turn this country into the middle east....then you can all screw off also! There are planes and boats going to Saudi Arabia every day....GET THE HELL ON ONE!

To the illegal aliens...GET OUT!!! Sorry your countries suck, but you have no desire to fit into society and learn our customs or language, and we have no desire to see 50 of you in a house next door. We have no desire to bury our loved ones because you drive without licenses and can't read a road sign. We have no desire to support you in our prison system because you committed violent felonies. We have no desire to cater to you at all. YOU ARE NOT WANTED HERE!

THIS IS AMERICA!!! We were founded on religious Christian principles that are being stripped away by bitchy, winey minorities who feel they are owed something. People are people, we are all pink under the skin with the same hearts, lungs, and red blood. The differences are between the ears. WE WILL NOT be dictated to by the communists, fascists, socialists, muslims, queers, tree huggers, and illegal immigrants. This used to be a bountiful, righteous country where justice prevailed and the weak were, we are a bunch of pussies who are afraid of offending some group that means squat.

Who tells the truth? Not our leaders. Not our media. Not our school systems. Not the United Nations or the International community. If other countries don't like what we stand for or what we believe in, then we will keep our money and our military and you can all become lawless failed states.

Why is our government pushing the fairness doctrine? Because the only people speaking what Americans want to hear are Rush, Sean, Glenn, Michael and the conservative talk circuit. Why? because its the truth government doesn't want you to hear. Liberals have the same right to dominate the airwaves with their psycho babble crap....yet they FAIL! No one wants to hear it!
Keep plugging away NBC (National Bureau of Communists) CNN (Communist News Network) CBS (Commie Bull Shitters) and ABC (Association of Biased Commentary).

WAKE UP AMERICA!!! Read our news from a foreign press perspective...other countries are in shock at what is going on here. We are becoming everything our ancestors fought against! We are blowing past socialism and straight into a FASCIST society where we are told what wealth we are allowed to share.

Heil Commrade B.H. Mussolini.

Who is funding this guy, that his machine demonizes and threatens everyone who speaks against him and his policies? Lets continue to shove through unread and unstudied policies on the spearpoint of fear....lets continue to do more damage, than any other President has done in two terms, in 2 months....Lets continue to threaten and destroy the American dream. Why has this man spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep his records sealed??? What is there to hide? When the truth comes out, the damage will already be done because Americans don't know how to stand up to the establishment.


The United States of America, in its essence, has never let an American citizen down. Will you let her down when she needs you the most? Don't spread the wealth....spread the passion...spread the dreams...spread the truth...and spread your eagle wings.

Sincerely and mad as hell,

Patrick Gunnz

Semper Fidelis et Vigilans

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